5 Ways To Get SMS Leads To Sustain Business Growth
According to Nielsen, short message service (SMS ) is the most used data service in the world today and has remained so for decades. According to official and unofficial reports, as many as 22 million text messages are sent every day, and this estimate should not be shocking if we consider the number of phone users globally (5.19 billion users based on current data). When you also consider the fact that a significant percentage of Google searches are done with mobile phones, you will begin to appreciate the tremendous potential SMS leads have as far as business growth is concerned.
In today's digital age, the smartest managers utilize mediums that guarantee the best returns on investment, so incorporating the use of SMS into their marketing mix makes a lot of business sense. Just imagine a scenario where a prospect searching for a product you offer receives a text message from your brand introducing the exact same product he or she was planning to buy. The possibility of making a sale increases, doesn't it? Now imagine if your business doesn’t utilize SMS leads, but your competitor does. They will most likely beat you to that sale, wouldn’t they? Especially since the possibility of viewing the message on the phone is above 90%. These questions open up the possibilities and limitations faced by businesses that use text messages for lead generation and those that do not.
Although mobile apps like Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger are gaining popularity by the day, text messaging still holds a competitive advantage if you know how and when to deploy them effectively. Unlike the use of apps that require an internet connection, SMS can be sent and received without the internet. What makes them an even more attractive proposition for businesses is that receivers of SMS react very fast. Some studies have even shown that 93% of text messages are opened by recipients within 3 minutes of reception. Due to the marketing potential of SMS, businesses continue to use them to attract old and new customers, and you should do the same too. Whether you work for an enterprise, a small business owner or a startup company, here are 5 ways or ideas that you can use to get quality SMS leads.
1. Make your text number conspicuous
To set the ball rolling, make sure that the number you use in sending texts to your customers and prospects is displayed on your social media pages, Google listing, and on any forum or platform, your brand uses. Also include an invitation to send text messages to the number for further inquiries on your SMS message with enabled two-way communication. If users who received your SMS or the ones who are on of these online platforms have questions or they want to place an order, they can text the number and get a quick response from your team within minutes. Creating an avenue to receive and quickly respond to inquiries improves customer relationships and your market expansion drive.
2. Encourage members of the public to sign up to your texting program to enjoy special offers
Businesses give away special offers as a way to stimulate sales, improve customer interaction, and create brand awareness. Consider creating special offers and promotions and invite the public to cash in on them via texts. Once a prospect sends a text to your number indicating interest to take advantage of the offer, you can forward more information to him or her and gradually nurture them into a full-fledged customer. Doing this often will help you generate new leads for your business without spending too much on advertising.
3. Generate new leads by sending messages to your customers
People tend to open text messages quicker than they open messages on social media apps. This is because texts don't require an internet connection to send or receive them, and they can be accessed directly. If you have discount offers or a new product that you want buyers to be aware of, consider sending this info by SMS to your old customers who already buy from you. Usually, they convert better than prospects. This is a great way to execute quick sales through text messages.
4. Utilize call-to-actions to execute quick-fire sales
Call to actions are not only effective when deploying online advertising marketing techniques. You can also use Call-To-Action to stimulate the minds of text recipients. When drafting marketing text messages, do make sure that you include CTA's at the end of the text message. For instance, your text could end with “buy now to pay less for more” if you are introducing a special offer to your prospects. Also, you may consider adding a link to a webpage where users can buy products instantly.
5. Integrate your text messages with other platforms and marketing channels
Repetition, they say, is an antidote for success. If you repeat the right action over and over again, positive results are inevitable. Prospects are not easily convinced to buy a product unless they are in desperate need of it. Reach your client through several channels to be more effective and less annoying. You may use SMS messages in the marketing mix with other channels like Display ads or posts/ads on Facebook or other online platforms. Engaging prospects with integrated messages via several channels will begin to yield positive results over time. As users react to SMS very fast compared to other channels use SMS as a final marketing channel for better results.
To sum up
SMS leads generation remains a cost-effective way to convert prospects into buyers and first-time buyers into loyal customers. With SMS, you can introduce your special offers or products, send confirmations, or generally increase brand visibility without spending too much money. It also has several advantages over other channels of communication, and it is relatively easy to send and receive them. It simply makes perfect sense as a business owner to utilize a channel that offers you the highest rate of returns at the least cost, so incorporating SMS into your leads generation strategy Is a smart move you should consider today.