6 Brilliant Uses Of Text Messages For Any Business

If text messages aren’t a part of your marketing strategy yet, we have some very good news for you. It means that you still have an unexplored opportunity to interact with your audience in many different and, most importantly, effective ways without even investing too much money and time into the whole process.

With an open rate of up to 99%, text messaging is proven to be one of the most responsive communication channels and a powerful tool for any enterprise, business, or organization to nurture customer relationships, which eventually increases brand awareness, trust, and boosts sales. However, all of it wouldn’t be possible without implementing automated text notifications, or, in other words, text message alerts, and this is exactly what we are going to introduce you to in this article.

What are automated text messages and why are they important?

You can be losing potential sales just because your business lacks proper communication. However, it is obviously impossible to keep in touch with all of your customers manually and that’s what makes automated text messages crucial.

To put it simply, automated messaging is a system that lets you send premade texts automatically when a specific event, action happens, or any other trigger occurs.

Automated messages can be easily personalized and set to be sent whenever they’re the most effective. It eliminates the need to spend time on each case individually which would be very difficult, if not impossible, and doesn't require dividing your attention between smaller tasks, allowing you to focus on other important things.

Just think about it – people literally own millions of mobile phones worldwide and tend to check them at least a few times a day which makes it such a convenient channel to reach anyone, anytime, anywhere. Given the circumstances, excluding text notifications from your communication plan almost sounds like a lost opportunity not only to save time and grow as an organization but also to provide your audience with a great experience.

How can you benefit from text message notifications?

We’ve already established that text message notifications, when used tactically, could become a powerful marketing tool and an important part of driving your business to success.

There are hundreds of different ways to use them to your benefit, and it’s only up to you and your imagination to set the limit.

Let’s explore some of the most popular and valuable use cases of automated text messages that you can also implement into your strategy.

1. Send automated text message alerts and reminders

With so much going on in our lives, it’s very easy to forget appointments, meetings, bookings, events… you name it. This makes automated text message alerts and reminders very universal since they can be adjusted to any industry you’re in.

Imagine a dentist that has a pretty intense working schedule and dozens of clients every single week. No-show results in money loss yet reminding everyone about their appointments by making calls or sending emails is physically impossible not to mention time-consuming… This is where automated reminders come in handy – sending quick notifications and alerts to your customers might not only prevent misunderstandings but also improve the perception of your organization.

2. Offer discount codes or vouchers

This comes as no surprise but always does wonders. Offering your customers a discount or a voucher has higher chances of resulting in a sale. You can choose to target only those customers who meet specific requirements.

For instance, if you’d like to nurture your existing relationship with loyal clients and make them feel appreciated, send them a message with a special discount or any other benefit after 3 years pass of the first purchase date.

The same goes for the ones who once bought something at your store and never came back. Target this group with an exclusive offer and win them back. Time-efficient, effective, and beneficial to both sides!

3. Do video messaging

Videos are one of the most captivating mediums of all and can be successfully implemented in your text marketing strategy.

Think that text messages and videos just don’t go together? It’s not true, actually, quite the opposite – when combined, video messages can become a powerful tool in communication with customers and prospects.

Videos are not only meant to entertain – you can also use them to inform and educate. How? You can schedule automated text messages with a link to the video to be sent to your customers just when they need them the most – once their order is delivered.

For example, imagine that someone just purchased some kind of electronic device that is complicated to set up - help them by sending a video message with instructions straight after they receive their order. Results? Satisfied customers that will not think twice next time when ordering from you!

4. Send order delivery status updates

Those of you who’s ever tried online shopping definitely know the excitement that comes with every purchase. If you think that this cannot be taken any further, think again – with the help of text message alerts, this whole experience can be turned into a fun, joyful process.

Automated order delivery status updates ensure your customers are up to date and get a little boost of excitement every time they see a notification. Besides, it makes them happy to see your brand’s name once it appears on their screens! It might also help you gain credibility and encourage them to come back to you again since they can follow the process from making a payment to holding their order in their hands.

Text message notifications can also save tons of your customer support team's time since they don't have to deal with extra questions about the status of their order. Win-win!

5. Request feedback or reviews

People rely on online recommendations a lot and that’s what can give your business a boost. Give them a convenient way to provide them to you – send text message with a request to review your product or service with a link to your Facebook page, Google reviews, or some other site.

It is a known fact that customers are the happiest straight after they receive their orders so sending a request for a review immediately after delivery gives you a better chance of getting some positive testimonials.

6. Use automated text message notifications for your internal communication

Your customers are not the only people that must be satisfied for your business to thrive. The same goes for your employees and this is where automated messages can also work.

Use text message alerts to pass the news, inform about schedule changes, let them know about urgent matters. Their phones are usually right there in their pockets so there’s no faster and more convenient way to reach them.

Conclusion: should you really use automated text messages?

There’s no reason not to – as a communication channel, text message alerts bring many benefits, such as fewer customer support issues, improved time efficiency, higher satisfaction rates both between customers and employees, they might also boost your sales, improve your brand's transparency, and do that in an easy, cost-efficient manner. Regardless of how the world develops, no one can deny the role and importance of text message – and that’s why it’s totally worth your consideration if you haven’t tried this type of communication yet.